
Upcoming Parish Events

4th, 11th, 18th, 25th March 1st, 8th April 2025 - Lent Study Group



We restart on Shrove Tuesday for six weeks.

We look forward to welcoming our regular Bible Study members and encourage new people to come and see! 

As usual you need to bring a Bible and a sense of humour. 



1st April 2025 - CAFE


Cafe in Neston Centre 2 - 4 pm


7th April 2025 - Pilgrimage to Liverpool Cathedrals


Several people have asked about a pilgrimage to the two Cathedrals in Liverpool, and we are looking to run one on Monday 7th April. It will coincide with the Helios exhibition at the Anglican Cathedral.   We would have to leave Neston at 10am, visiting the Anglican Cathedral and the Helios exhibition first, with lunch at the Cathedral before walking along Hope Street to visit the Cathedral of Christ the King. It would be good to know how many people would be interested in coming along.

Can you please let Kevin (0151 353 1000) or Carol (07929096443) know.


25th April - 18th May 2025 - Neston Music Festival


for full details see the Programme Booklet available from all churches or www.nestonmusicfestival.org.uk

Events at Neston Parish Church  tickets from www.ticketsource.co.uk 

Friday 25th April at 7.30pm  - Chester Ladies Choir

Saturday 26th April at 7.30pm - Short Drag Roger (sea shanties and folk songs)

Sunday 27th April at 6.30pm - Festival Choral Evensong (free event but with a retiring collection)

Sunday 11th May at 4pm - Vale of Clwyd Singers

Saturday 17th May at 7.30pm- Opera Viva



New Parish Electoral Roll


Before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on Thursday 8th May 2025, we need to compile a completely new Electoral Roll. This is done every six years and we are not allowed to transfer names from the existing Electoral Roll to the new one.

Green application forms for enrolment are available in each of our churches. Forms are also available if you click HERE. Everyone who wishes to be included on the new Electoral Roll is asked to complete and sign an application form and return it to Marion Forshaw (Electoral Roll Officer) or to the Churchwardens by 5pm on Friday 18th April 2029 (Good Friday). A separate application is required for each person wishing to join the Electoral Roll (i.e. no joint applications on one form).

The new Electoral Roll will be published on Wednesday 23rd April and available in our three churches for two weeks before the APCM. Corrections can be made to the list, but additions can only be made after the APCM. The forms do not require your phone number or email address, but if you wish to add these, they will only be used by the Ministry Team, Churchwardens and PCC Secretary for pastoral purposes and within the current data protection regulations.  

Graveyard Wall Repairs  

 Over the past number of years the condition of the graveyard west boundary wall (adjacent to Church Lane, Neston) has become unstable, and recent surveys have indicated that work to stabilise the wall is urgently required. for further information click HERE













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